Monday 29 March 2010

three daughters; this image shows the three beautiful daughters, eldest, middle and youngest at the moment in which their father brought the bearskinner back to the house with the news that one of them must marry this beast. so the while the eldest was angry with the father, the youngest wept, the middle daughter was neither angry or upset as she believed he had a good heart. So the ring above the middle daughters head signifies the ring in which the bearskinner broke and give to her to keep until he came back for her. It also has a connotation of a halo, as Claude Levis Strauss introduces the notion of binary oppositions to produce meaning in narratives. he studied the production of myths in societies and he believed that myths were used symbolically to understand the contradictory elements of the real world. IN binary oppositions, audiences know and understand one thing because of our knowledge of its opposite. Good vs evil in this case, good being the middle daughter and bearskinner and the evil being the devil.

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